When you order commission from me you automatically agree to these terms of service. I'm trying to make the conditions as fair and safe as possible for both customer and me.
- All prices listed in my pricelist are only informational. The final price will be calculated based on the specifics of your order.
- I'm drawing everything in my own artstyle that can be seen on examples in the pricelist. Please don't ask me to copy/imitate styles of different artists.
- Make sure to check my current commission queue and pricelist before ordering. The waiting time might vary.
- If you want your picture to be done within certain timeframe, you need to make that explicitly clear. Keep in mind I may refuse to take order with deadline at my own discretion.
- If you want your picture to be done as a suprise for someone(as a gift etc.) and don't want me to publish it(or any work in progress previews) before certain date, you need to explicitly state so. I might post my progress on the picture, livestream working on it and publish it without your knowledge otherwise.
- If you want your picture to stay private(so I won't publish it at all) you need to explicitly state so. Keep in mind I may refuse to take such order at my own discretion.
- I'm usually answering any commission related messages within 24 hours(except for weekends). If I assume I will not be able to answer messages for whatever reason, I will post information about not being available as well as the timeframe on my twitter and telegram channel.
- You can expect your picture to be finished within two weeks after I receive payment. If I need more time to finish your order, I will let you know before the payment.
- I accept payment in euro. Accepted payment method is paypal.
- I expect you to pay within 24 hours after I send you first sketch of your commission. Please have the correct amount of money we agreed on prepared and be ready to pay when I ask you to do so.
- No refunds. You can feel free to cancel your slot anytime BEFORE I move your commission card on my trello from "Regular commission queue" to "Work in progress".
- Please give me all the reference images, details, descriptions and information about the commission BEFORE I start working on it - which means when we are discussing the order(and before I calculate the price). Any additional changes or details that you didn't mention when you placed your order will be charged extra.
- You may request changes(no complex changes!) on the sketch two times for free. Any additional or overly-complicated changes of the sketch will be charged extra.
- Please take your time(if needed) and check the sketch I send you properly before approving it. If there is something missing/different from what you described in your order let me know right away! I may charge you extra fee/refuse to do the change altogether if you suddenly request changes after you already approved the sketch.
- Payment needs to be done after I send you first sketch of your commission. Please have the correct amount of money we agreed on prepared and be ready to pay when I ask you to do so.
- Please check the finished picture you receive from me properly. If I forgot to add some detail, marking, etc. that was stated(or shown) EXPLICITLY when you ordered the picture, I will make the change on the picture for free. You can request such free change on completed picture within one week after I send you the final file. I might refuse to change the finished picture when the one week timeframe passes.
- You may ask me to make any changes on finished picture within one week after I send you the final file. If it's something that wasn't explicitly requested or shown when you ordered your picture I will charge extra fee to do such an edit. I may refuse to do such edit at my own discretion.
- Making any financial profit out of the picture(s) you commissioned from me is not allowed(unless we agree on different terms during negotiation). You can use pictures you commissioned from me however you want as long as its for your personal use.
- Crediting me when you post pictures received from me is always appreciated, but not mandatory.
If you are unsure or something is not clear enough, feel free to ask for any clarification!